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Tutti i filmati di Public Domain

Totale: 1091

Last alarm

Captain Hadley (J. Farrell MacDonald, who also appeared as the City Editor in "Danger Ahead") reaches the age limit for firefighter and is retired. While he is bored out of his mind at home, an arsonist (George Pembroke), who evidently is called Wendell, despite the fact that noone ever calls him by name, starts to burn the city down, building by building. After his friend Burt (Joel Friedkin) dies fighting a fire, Hadley unofficially joins up with the arson squad to track down the arsonist; but as Hadley zeroes in on Wendell, Wendell zeroes in on Hadley...
The Last ... continua

Last clear chance

Last clear chance is a 1959 American short film produced and directed by Robert Carlisle. Sponsored by Union Pacific Railroad, Last Clear Chance is a safety film intended to warn young drivers to be caul at railroad crossings. The film's cast consists of William Boyett, Harold Agee, Mrs. Harold Agee, Tim Bosworth, William Agee, Christine Lynch, and Lou Spraker. Written by Leland Baxter, the film was shot in parts of Idaho. Wondsel, Carlisle & Dunphy Inc, based in New York City, served as the film's production company.

Last of the Mohicans

1990 - Adventure Directed by: Arthur Wellin Writing credits:James Fenimore Cooper, Robert Heymann Complete credited cast: Charles Barley Edward Eyseneck Herta Heden Gottfried Kraus Bela Lugosi Emil Mamelok Erna Rehberger Kurt Rottenburg Egon Söhnlein Margot Sokolowska Heddy Sven Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Last Woman on Earth

1960 - Horror Ev; her husband, Harold; and their lawyer friend, Martin, are skindiving while on vacation in Puerto Rico. When they resurface, they gradually conclude that an unexplained, temporary interruption of oxygen has killed everyone on the island - maybe in the world! Directed by: Roger Corman Writing credits:Robert Towne Complete credited cast: Betsy Jones-MorelandAntony CarboneRobert Towne Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Laurel and Hardy: Beau Hunks

1931 - Short / Comedy

Jilted by his girlfriend, Jeanie-Weenie, Oliver joins the Foreign Legion to forget, bringing Stanley along with him. They wilt under the scorching desert sun and under the harsh discipline of the Commandant. On a long march to reinforce remote Fort Arid, the boys get lost in the sands, finally reaching the Fort only to find it besieged by the fearsome Riffs.
Directed by: James W. Horne
Writing credits:H.M. Walker
Complete credited cast:
Stan Laurel Oliver HardyJames W. HorneCharles MiddletonBroderick O'FarrellHarry ... continua

Laurel and Hardy: County Hospital

1932 - Short / Comedy

Visiting Oliver in the hospital where he's recovering from a broken leg, Stanley wreaks havoc on both his friend (getting Oliver strung up from the ceiling by his cast-encased leg) as well as the doctor, who winds up dangling out the window. After they're ordered out, Stanley tries to drive Oliver home, unaware that he's just accidentally injected himself with a powerful sedative.
Directed by: James Parrott
Writing credits:H.M. Walker
Complete credited cast:
Stan Laurel Oliver HardyStan Laurel Oliver HardyWilliam ... continua

Laurel and Hardy: Help Mates

1932 - Short / Comedy

Oliver's house is in a shambles after a wild party, and his wife is due home at noon. He calls Stanley to help him fix the place up, and the typical catastrophies ensue. Somehow, however, Stanley manages to complete the job by the time Oliver leaves to pick up his wife at the train station. As a finishing touch, Stan decides to start a nice fire in the fireplace, using a can of gasoline to hurry the process along.
Directed by: James Parrott
Writing credits:H.M. Walker
Complete credited cast:
Stan Laurel Oliver ... continua

Laurel and Hardy: Leave em Laughing

1928 - Comedy / Short Leaving the dentist's office, where Hardy's teeth have been extracted by mistake, the boys, still under the influence of laughing gas, meet up with a traffic cop (Kennedy) and cause a huge traffic jam. Directed by: Clyde Bruckman Writing credits:Reed Heustis, Hal Roach Complete credited cast: Stan LaurelOliver HardyCharlie HallEdgar KennedyEdgar DearingOtto FriesAl HallettJack HillJack LloydSam LufkinTiny Sandford Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Law Men

1971 - Horror / Sci-Fi Johnny is a marshall who infiltrates a bank robbery gang. Directed by:Lambert Hillyer Writing credits:Glenn Tryon Complete credited cast: Johnny Mack Brown Raymond HattonJan WileyKirby GrantRobert FrazerEdmund CobbArt FowlerHal PriceMarshall ReedIsabel WithersBen CorbettTed MapesSteve Clark Bud Osborne Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Le Donne Selvagge di Wongo

Un gruppo di gangsters cerca di indurre un giocatore di box a rinunciare ad un inconro importante.